Talks and presentations

Segmentation of Tuta absoluta’s Damage on Tomato Plants

September 03, 2023

Spotlight Talk and Poster Presentation, Deep Learning Indaba, Accra, Ghana

In September 2023, I had the distinguished opportunity to participate in the Deep Learning Indaba (DLI2023) conference, an event celebrated for its contribution to the growth and ethical application of AI across Africa, held in Accra, Ghana. This conference, which took place from the 3rd to the 9th, served as a significant platform for me to showcase my research through both a poster and a spotlight talk titled “Segmentation of Tuta absoluta’s Damage on Tomato Plants: A Computer Vision Approach.” My work, focusing on utilizing advanced computer vision techniques to detect and assess the impact of the Tuta absoluta pest on tomato crops, was recognized with an honorable mention at the Weakly Supervised Computer Vision workshop. This accolade underscored the relevance and potential of applying AI solutions to critical agricultural challenges. The full funding of my attendance by DLI not only facilitated my participation but also emphasized the conference’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive AI research community.

Segmentation of Tuta absoluta’s Damage on Tomato Plants: A Computer Vision Approach Approach

November 28, 2022

Poster Presentation, 6th Black in AI (BAI) workshop co located with the 36th Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

In late 2022, I had the remarkable opportunity to attend and present at the 6th Black in AI (BAI) workshop, which took place alongside the 36th Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Conference at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, thanks to the full funding provided by BAI. This organization, dedicated to increasing the representation of Black individuals in artificial intelligence, enabled me to share my research through a poster titled “Segmentation of Tuta absoluta’s Damage on Tomato Plants: A Computer Vision Approach.” The conference, running from November 28th to December 9th, was a convergence of leading minds in AI and machine learning, offering a rich platform for presenting my work on utilizing computer vision to tackle agricultural pests, specifically Tuta absoluta, which severely affects tomato crops globally.

A deep learning approach for determining effects of Tuta absoluta in tomato plants

August 17, 2020

Poster Presentation, Virtual, United States of America (USA)

Participating in the 44th Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG’20) conference, which took place online from August 17th to 19th, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, provided a unique platform to showcase my research on leveraging artificial intelligence in agriculture. My poster presentation, titled “A Deep Learning Approach for Determining Effects of Tuta absoluta in Tomato Plants,” highlighted the innovative use of deep learning techniques to identify and assess the impact of the Tuta absoluta pest on tomato crops. This research not only demonstrates the potential of AI to revolutionize agricultural practices by enabling more effective pest management strategies but also aligns with the conference’s theme of utilizing technology for societal good. The virtual format of MD4SG’20 allowed for an unprecedented level of global participation and collaboration, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and insights on the intersection of technology, design, and social impact, and underscoring the vital role of interdisciplinary approaches in addressing complex global challenges.

A Deep Learning Approach for Quantifying the Effects of Tuta absoluta in Tomato Plants

July 24, 2020

Contributed Talk, Data Science Africa (DSA), Virtual, Kampala, Uganda

From July 24th to August 1st, 2020, researchers, data scientists, and practitioners from across the continent and beyond gathered virtually to explore the latest developments in data science and its applications. Among the many insightful contributions, I had the privilege to present my work titled “A Deep Learning Approach for Quantifying the Effects of Tuta absoluta in Tomato Plants” to a diverse and engaged audience in Kampala, Uganda, albeit remotely.

A Deep Learning Approach for Determining Effects of Tuta Absoluta in Tomato Plants

April 26, 2020

Conference proceedings talk, Virtual, Adis Ababa, Ethiopia

In the midst of the global shift towards virtual events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had the distinct opportunity to present my research at the Computer Vision for Agriculture workshop. This event was part of the larger International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), hosted virtually from April 26th to 30th, 2020 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. My presentation, entitled “A Deep Learning Approach for Determining Effects of Tuta Absoluta in Tomato Plants,” focused on leveraging advanced AI techniques to tackle the challenges posed by Tuta absoluta, a pest that significantly impacts tomato crops. The innovative approach highlighted in my research emphasized the potential of deep learning in enhancing agricultural pest detection and management.

Decision Support System for Farmers against Tuta Absoluta Effects on Tomato Plants Plants

December 08, 2019

Poster Presentation, 3rd Black in AI (BAI) workshop co located with the 33rd Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Vancouver, Canada

In December 2019, I attended the 3rd Black in AI (BAI) workshop co-located with 33rd Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019) conference at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Canada. This event marked my first international conference and my inaugural trip outside Tanzania, presenting a significant milestone in my career. My presentation, “Decision Support System for Farmers against Tuta Absoluta Effects on Tomato Plants,” highlighted the application of AI in agriculture. The workshop provided a unique platform for me to engage with experts from renowned universities and industries, expanding my understanding of AI and its global impact. This life-changing experience was made possible thanks to the full funding by BAI, reflecting their commitment to promoting diversity in the AI field. The knowledge and connections gained from this event have been instrumental in shaping my path in AI research and development.